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Albert Nuhu, Author |
I remember very clearly how angry progressive
Ghanaians and Africans were when Obama came to Ghana and asked Africans to stop
blaming colonialism and rather tighten their belts and eradicate corruption in
I was one of them.
Today I cannot help but call on all Northerners to
stop blaming Southern domination and look into ourselves to fight the enemies
of the North. The enemies of the North, those who seek our destruction, those
who seek to imprison the North in darkness, poverty, ignorance, diseases and
perpetual cup in hand begging and relying on government handouts are the Elite
of the North. Yes! our own Elite. Because, our Southern brothers have given us
more than enough since independence. Folks, one thing I know very well are that
the Northern elite are the curse of the North.
Why did Kwame Nkrumah institute the Northern
scholarship scheme? Why did Kwame Nkrumah include so many Northerners in his
cabinet; such as Hon. E. A. Mahama (John Mahama’s father), Hon. Imoru Egala,
Hon. L.R Abavana, Hon. Mumuni Bawumia, Hon. J. A. Brimah, Hon. Asumda, and Hon.
S. S. Sakara as the National Propaganda Secretary of the CPP? The head of the
Security forces and Army Bawa and Zanerigu were from the North under Nkrumah.
Folks, in recent memory, why did JJ Rawlings have
almost more than a third of his Cabinet from the North? Professor Mills and the
NDC followed, with Northerners occupying many Cabinet and top civil service
positions. Ask yourself, why did all these regimes do that? Folks, Mr. Ibrahim
Mahama was taken straight from Legon Law School to head a Cabinet Ministry
under Kotoka and Afrifa; he did not even know how to drive a car, and has since
not been able to drive a car. Even Kofi Busia had a special place in his heart
for Northerners, and generously appointed many Northern Cabinet
If you don’t know the answer to my questions, here it
is. Because, there is a famous saying that if you give someone a fish you feed
that person for a day. But, when you teach someone how to fish, you feed that
person for life. Simply put, all these regimes gave us all these opportunities
and appointments to help us help ourselves. But, like spoilt brats, we blew
every opportunity we had to help and raise our people out of poverty and
misery. We deceived our folks and enriched our individual selves at the
terrible and lamentable expense of our own people.
Folks, these Northern elite that were appointed to
various cabinet positions under all these regimes, simply sucked the hell out
of Northern poor and innocent brothers and sisters. They used the positions to
enrich themselves, as if they were ordained by God to receive benefits on
behalf of Northerners who carried latrine, worked in the mines, took care of
cocoa farms, pounded fufu and washed dishes down south.
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Prez John Mahama |
These Northern elite simply exploited Northerners in
the name of the suffering and backwardness of the North. They used the doctrine
of lack of amenities in the North to gather and secure and protect amenities
for themselves. They literally stole from the Northern peoples in the name of
lack of development in the North. They embezzled from the unfortunate and
uneducated Northern brothers and sisters in the name of lack of good drinking
water in the North. The Northern elite woefully and shamelessly exploited the
plight of their own brothers and sisters in the North, and in the name of
colonial injustices to Northerners to line up and oil their pockets.
Folks, the Northern elite blatantly burglarized every
institution that was created to help alleviate poverty and diseases and
ignorance in the North, in the name of the abandonment of the North by Colonial
powers and Ashanti Landlords. They brutally corrupted every institution and
agency created to narrow the gap between the south and the North, in the name
of the discrimination of Northerners in the work place. They embezzled and
robbed in plain day light the monies set aside to help the North, in the name
of lack of respect and regard from the south for Northerners. It is like the
“race card” abused by blacks in the US; everywhere you look and pass Northern
elite are exploiting the historical accidents on Northerners to fill their bank
Folks, here are some examples of the very real
attempts by every regime to redeem the North, and which efforts and good
intentions were exploited by Northern elite to enrich themselves. I am sure you
all remember the fancy names of agencies created to help Northerners, which
were misused and mismanaged and robbed and abused by Northern elite in the name
of compensations for Northern suffering.
Folks Sister Rosaline B. Obeng-Ofori described our
frustrations with the Northern elite appropriately. She said “After FASCOM,
URADEP, NORRIP, SADA 1 and now SADA2, if we do not improve our lot, we should
forget it and stop blaming anybody for our endemic poverty”.
What a woman; what a strong, honest and conscientious
Northern woman. Folks, we all share Rosaline B. Obeng-Ofori’s resentment of our Northern
inadequacies expressed in our morally bankrupt, corrupt, greedy, nefarious,
shameless and nakedly obscene Northern Elite.
Today, we have not only been coopted and favored by
all regimes but, thanks to NDC, our own boy, my little beloved brother, is
President of Ghana, duly nominated by NDC and duly elected Nationwide. But, it
appears the election of John Mahama has just turned loose the wolves of
Northern Ghana elite. They are barking and tearing flesh left and right, they
have ganged on my little brother John in the Flagstaff House and taken him
ransom, they have looted from beneath him and above him, they have grabbed
every pesewa that they can lay eyes on and designated to assist our poor Northern
folks, they have sought to eat humans raw in the name of “gold rush” for
Northern elite, and have turned governance into a mockery. The Northern elite
seconded every opportunity afforded by every regime since independence in
corruption, greed, and shameless thievery. What a shame! Let’s all repeat it
after me “What a shame!”
Shame on you Northern elite! Shame on you Northern
elite! Shame on you Northern elite blood suckers of the Northern poor! Shame on
you Northern elite embezzlers of monies ear marked to alleviate Northerners
from poverty! Shame on you Northern elite, who will not miss every opportunity
to complain of Northern suffering and neglect since independence, and only to
turn around and steal and grab every penny away from the real Northern poor!
Shame on you Northern elite who only knows how to use the Northern plight to
advance their individual enrichment agenda at the expense, and in fact
sometimes death of Northern peoples because of hard labor and toil!
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Folks, I am deeply ashamed to be called a Northerner
just for one reason. Because, that title is synonymous with bureaucratic
corruption, indignant and blatant robbery and looting of government coffers;
Yes, that title signifies corruption without conscience against our own people.
When they talk about “from rugs to filthy rich Northern elite”, there could not
have been a better description.
The “Northern Filthy rich elite” are really dirty,
made and continue to make their dirty money on the backs and sweat and
suffering of Northerners.
For once, my dear dirty rich Northern elite, you have
your chance to change. You have your chance with John Manama in the Presidency
to reduce your greed and thievery. You have your chance to repent and assist
John Mahama cleanse your names and make you men and women worthy of
You have John Mahama to assist you to make Ghana and
northern Ghana a better place for all. Yes, your best chance is in the person
of John Mahama, who embodies all good and purity, and morally upright; and you
have the obligation to cut out the bull, clean up your acts and join the
community of the civilized and humane, and leave corruption to the dogs. You
can do it. You can change. You owe it to your legacy to have a conscience and
do the right thing and stop looting the portion of the National cake that has
been allocated to the North.
As Gonjas put it, “amba kuli abre”, meaning it’s time
for self-criticism. You Northern elite out there, shame on you for humiliating
and increasing poverty in the North ten and hundred fold; because you have
siphoned away and stolen every penny any government has ever allocated to
assist the North. You have enough. You have done enough damage; you are a curse
on humanity and you must stop now.
I will conclude this piece by quoting Sister Rosaline
B. Obeng-Ofori again, the West Africa Program Manager of the Purdue Peace
Project. Her prophetic warning/caution/advice to all of us Northerners will be
the last words for this segment of “Uncle Dee gone crazy, fed up, and fed up of
being fed up with the corruption and naked robbery of Northerners by the
Northern elite. She is talking to all of us Northerners! She says:
P/S: Note that sister Rosaline is not an Ashanti
woman; she is a strong, decent, honorable, conscientious Northern Lady, who
goes to bed daily with worries about the misery and poverty plight of the North
on her mind, heart and soul. Amen!!
This opinion was originally put on facebook by the
writer on June 30.
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