Media Practitioners in the Northern Region have been encouraged to limit their political reportage and rather partner with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to champion the course of deprived people in society.
Even though about 85 percent of the people in the north live in the rural communities, the concentration of the Media and other advocacy groups are always centered on the urban centres. This has therefore deprived most of the communities the opportunity to air their views appropriately on issues that affect their lives.
At a day’s media review meeting in Tamale organized by the Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA) aimed at strengthening the relationship and partnership between the media and other CSOs in the north, it was discovered that political issues always take dominance over developmental issues in the Ghanaian media.
As a result, the Media Practitioners at the meeting resolved to redirect their attention largely on development and other social issues that would transform the lives of the deprived people rather than reporting on the “usual lies” of the Politicians.
Majority of them openly admitted not doing much in highlighting or reporting on the poor road network, lack of potable water, inadequate educational and health facilities and the abject poverty confronting the people in the region.
The Media is said to be the pace setters and represents the voice of the voiceless in society, but in Ghana for instance, the media seems to dwell much on political issues or follow politicians than the vulnerable in society.
As a result, most pressing issues confronting the rural dwellers are often left unattended to by the duty bearers.
It is in this light that the Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA) is wooing the media to commit itself to the CSOs that are working in the interest of the poor in society.
But are the media practitioners ready to sacrifice or go extra mile to promote the interest of the rural people considering the poor road networks, and the lack of resources that also pose serious challenge to them?
The Programme Officer of GDCA, Mrs. Rosemond Kumah was of the view that the lives of the people in the Northern Regions would be better of if the media collaborates with the CSOs.
She said the GDCA was highly focused on promoting development among the rural folks, especially women groups. The Association is also support good initiatives of government geared towards the development of the rural people.
One of the participants, Salifu Nurudeen Mohammed a reporter of Daily Graphic was particularly impressed about the steps being taken by the GDCA to strengthen its relationship with the media in the interest of the ordinary and underprivileged people in society.
He however, blamed the inability of most journalists to shy away from reporting from the rural areas on the fact that most of the media organizations were highly under-resourced and could not therefore support their reporters to carry out such reports.
Mr. Nurudeen therefore appealed to the NGOs and CSOs like GDCA to also find ways of assisting journalists who had interest in rural reporting in order to bring mutual benefits.
However, the Northern Regional Correspondent of the Enquirer newspaper, Francis Npong was awarded by the GDCA for distinguishing himself so well in rural and development reporting especially on the activities of the GDCA.
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