Governance think-thank, CDD-Ghana and its partner, GIZ Cooperation have begun the implementation of a Civil Society Support Programme in Northern Ghana, aimed at providing financial and technical assistance to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engaged in the promotion of good governance and democracy in the area.
The programme is also intended to strengthen the capacity of human resource improving democracy in the North as well as seeking to support ongoing efforts such as the Savannah Accelerated Development Authourity (SADA) to enhance the capacity of CSOs to participate effectively and enhance their monitoring and advocacy role.
In his welcome statement, Programs Manager of Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) in charge of the Tamale Office, Paul Osei-Kuffuor, observed that empowering civil society to demand public accountability from civil servants and politicians were an important component of Ghana’s democratization process.
Mr. Osei-Kuffuor explained that, CDD-Ghana as an active CSO thus felt compelled to partner with GIZ Cooperation to contribute to this democratic course by extending its longstanding support to assist CSOs in Northern Ghana.
Technical Advisor, GIZ/CDD-Ghana Civil Society Support Programme, Sandra Jensen, in a power point presentation, said the main focus of the programme would be geared towards building the capacity of CSOs in Northern Ghana in order to strengthen coalitions and links with the citizenry.
CSOs would also be encouraged to participate in development dialogues at different levels of governance, monitor delivery of public goods and hold government accountable, she stressed.
Ms Jensen mentioned the target groups under the programme as including CSOs, youth groups, media, traditional authorities and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in the North. Adding that, intervention areas in 2011 will include youth empowerment, women empowerment, participation in local governance and peace building.
She explained that, interested CSOs and other institutions would have to present proposals which will be vetted or scrutinised to make sure request for financial and technical advise falls within the objective of the programme.
Meanwhile, Ibis Ghana, ActionAid-Ghana and CIDA-PSU also made brief presentations on their activities and areas that they work, so as to give CDD-Ghana an insight perspective of them and how they could collaborate in future to work towards a common purpose of promoting good governance and democracy in the North and Ghana as a whole.
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